Category Archives: Research

Where do I learn about essential oils?

Are you interested in learning more about essential oils but not sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve been using them for a while now, but you’re having trouble explaining to others how and why to use them? Check out some of these great resources to help you further your essential oil education. Continue reading

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Research and Essential Oils

If you’ve ever tried to research the scientific principles behind using essential oils, you’ll find that it’s difficult to find good information out there. But why is that? So many people these days are using essential oils successfully in their homes, you would think that researchers would be falling all over themselves to figure out exactly what essential oils can do. However, this is not the case. Continue reading

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Combining Traditional and Modern Medicine

Vanderbilt Hospital in Tennessee has successfully used oils to help their nurse staff reduce stress and increase energy when working long hours in the emergency room. Continue reading

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