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Are you interested in learning more about essential oils but not sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve been using them for a while now, but you’re having trouble explaining to others how and why to use them? Check out some of these great resources to help you further your essential oil education. Continue reading
It’s no secret we love our doTERRA oils. But many people ask us, why doTERRA? Over the next few weeks I will share the reasons we think this company is awesome! Week 1 was about how doTERRA sources their oils and week … Continue reading
CLEANING IN THE BATHROOM- Gotta love cleaning those toilets, tubs, and tile! If you thought it was impossible to clean well naturally, check out these ALL NATURAL BATHROOM CLEANING ALTERNATIVES! Continue reading
It’s no secret we love our doTERRA oils. But many people ask us, why doTERRA? Over the next few weeks I will share the reasons we think this company is awesome! Week 1 was about how doTERRA sources their oils. This … Continue reading
THE POWER of AROMA- One of the most well-studied areas of aroma research is the effect of smell on EMOTIONS and MOOD.
For example, there is convincing evidence demonstrating that simply inhaling the AROMA of an ESSENTIAL OIL is effective for calming nervous or anxious feelings in a variety of settings.
The SMELL receptors located on the upper surface of the nasal cavity make direct links with the limbic system of the brain, an area that governs the body’s EMOTIONAL responses. Continue reading