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If you or someone you know finds the idea of using essential oils intriguing, but wants to start off small, the beginner’s trio of lavender, lemon and peppermint are highly recommended as the best place to start incorporating essential oils into your everyday life. Continue reading
Melaleuca (also known as tee tree oil) is for travelers who want to leave the nasty stuff where they found it. A spray bottle with Melaleuca and water is Essential for every serious traveler. Continue reading
Looking for a way to have outside fun without using harsh chemicals? Check out these ideas for do it yourself essential oil recipes and suggestions to keep your family healthy and natural when adventuring in the great outdoors. Continue reading
Vacation Tips and Essential Oils: Since it’s summer time, I thought we’d talk about some travel tips I’ve learned over the years. Continue reading
Cats and Essential Oils- We are determined to approach our cat’s, and our other family member’s, health issues in the most natural ways possible. That means we start with high quality pure Essential Oils. Continue reading