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Exercise Your Oils- Using Essential Oils to Enhance Your Workout
Just as certain stretches and activities should be done before and after you work out, oils can be used in different times and in different ways to keep you performing at your peak. Continue reading
Perfumes are amazing, as they can evoke emotions or trigger an attraction between two people. However, many people are sensitive to fragrances and do not use any kind of scented sprays or lotions. Sensitivities are actually caused by the synthetic chemicals used in perfumes, which companies are not required to disclose to consumers. If you’ve tried perfumes before and experienced headaches or skin reactions, try using a perfume made from essential oils. Continue reading
Frankincense essential oil is derived from the resinous tears of trees that have been carefully scored, or “bled.” If cared for properly, frankincense trees can produce tears for hundreds of years! After a careful distillation process, the essential oil has … Continue reading
Both frankincense and myrrh were used as medicinal substances in ancient times, according to both written and archaeological evidence from the time of Jesus as well as in ancient China and Egypt. They are also used in alternative medicine in the present day. Continue reading
Using essential oils during pregnancy. Continue reading
83% of Americans live in a place vulnerable to natural disaster. Tornadoes, Floods, Volcanos,… most areas have something that threatens to disrupt normal life. Even if you live in a safe area, terrorist threats have made us all more aware of how quickly life can change. I keep Essential Oils. The hospitals are reserved for emergencies. I like to know I can handle many basic needs with a few important Essential Oils: Continue reading
One of the first things people notice about essential oils is the amazing way they smell. I can pull the top off a bottle of peppermint and from across the room people will look around to track down that amazing scent. Many research studies have been done on how aroma can affect mood and emotions, as aromatherapy is one of the most common uses for essential oils. Continue reading
Whether you are a teacher, student or parent of a student, back to school is a time of both stress and excitement. Here are a few ideas to enhance this yearly new beginning with essential oils. Continue reading
I know it is probably hard to picture using oils on reptiles, especially on snakes, but it is something that can be done. My husband and I have recently started using certain oils to help with our snakes, bearded dragon and with … Continue reading
Cats and Essential Oils- We are determined to approach our cat’s, and our other family member’s, health issues in the most natural ways possible. That means we start with high quality pure Essential Oils. Continue reading