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Extracted from the fragrant leaves of the oregano plant, Oregano essential oil has made its way into cookbooks, cleaning cabinets, and supplements. Oregano oil is one of the most versatile and powerful essential oils. Because of Oregano oil’s high phenol content, caution … Continue reading
Exercise Your Oils- Using Essential Oils to Enhance Your Workout
Just as certain stretches and activities should be done before and after you work out, oils can be used in different times and in different ways to keep you performing at your peak. Continue reading
83% of Americans live in a place vulnerable to natural disaster. Tornadoes, Floods, Volcanos,… most areas have something that threatens to disrupt normal life. Even if you live in a safe area, terrorist threats have made us all more aware of how quickly life can change. I keep Essential Oils. The hospitals are reserved for emergencies. I like to know I can handle many basic needs with a few important Essential Oils: Continue reading