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People often ask, “What are the benefits of Eucalyptus oil?” If you haven’t experienced the tranquil yet refreshing aroma of Eucalyptus, you’ll love what this cleansing, relaxing, and soothing essential oil can do for you. Continue reading
When it comes to protecting yourself from outdoor annoyances, what better way than protecting yourself with Mother Nature’s offerings itself? Though often unseen, many plants contain a vapor barrier provided by their essential oils that protect them from potential threats … Continue reading
Essential oils are great for treating minor issues such as neck and head tension, both because they help at the source of the problem instead of masking discomfort, and because they have none of the side effects common to over the counter medications. Some studies even show that essential oils can reduce stress and boost your immune system. Here’s some suggestions of what to use next time you get neck and head tension. Continue reading
Exercise Your Oils- Using Essential Oils to Enhance Your Workout
Just as certain stretches and activities should be done before and after you work out, oils can be used in different times and in different ways to keep you performing at your peak. Continue reading
Everyone is thinking about ways to save money. Essential oils can be a great way to not only improve your health, but also save you money. Continue reading
I’m treating my plant allergies with….plants? Nobody likes allergies. Whether it’s hay fever or pet dander, allergies can be frustrating to deal with. Essential oils are great place to start when looking for allergy relief, as they do not cause side effects and do not rely on chemicals to get the job done. Continue reading
Vacation Tips and Essential Oils: Since it’s summer time, I thought we’d talk about some travel tips I’ve learned over the years. Continue reading