Seasonal Threats and Essential Oils

I’m treating my plant based seasonal issues with….plants?allergy-season-1

Nobody likes having a stuff head. Whether it’s hay fever or pet dander, seasonal threats can be frustrating to deal with. The human body produces histines whenever it suspects a foreign invader, which can include mild irritants such as pollen, mold and dust mites. However, if your body overreacts to these normally benign invaders with a massive amount of histines, a physical reaction occurs, from runny nose and teary eyes to mild breathing issues. Modern medicines used to treat these symptoms can have side effects, such as drowsiness, nose bleeds, headaches, loss of smell and taste, as well more serious side effects such as nasal sprays that cause damage to the nasal cavity.

Essential oils are great place to start when looking for relief from seasonal threats, as they do not cause side effects and do not rely on chemicals to get the job done. Some of the oils that are great for use in this issue are eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, melaleuca, patchouli, peppermint and roman chamomile, as well as a specifically formulated respiratory blend (Breathe). Any of these can be applied to the nose, chest or bottoms of the feet, or diffused to help with indoor symptoms. Just a few drops at a time when using these oils either topically or aromatically are needed, but can be repeated as often as every 15-20 minutes.  A mixture of lavender, lemon and peppermint can be placed in an empty veggie capsule and taken internally. Lavender acts as a natural antihistamine and peppermint helps relieve mild tension of the head and neck. Some people find improving their digestive system helps reduce issues as well, so probiotics (such as PB Assist) may also prove beneficial when combined with these essential oils. Next time seasonal threats rear its stuffy head, reach for essential oils as your first line of defense.

Source: Achoo- use nature’s medicine to fight back against allergy season. Living Magazine, Spring 2013; 12-13.

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