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CPTG Quality Testing The purity of an essential oil is its most important characteristic. An essential oil that isn’t pure means you run the risk of putting germs, heavy metals, or adulterants onto or into your body, which can provoke … Continue reading
Let’s get started with some awesome CLEANING recipes for around your home.
If you’re new to Essential Oils, you likely won’t be able to switch over to an all-oil cleaning arrangement right away, so remember the importance of small steps. Try one recipe at a time.
We are going to talk about some general CLEANING recipes first. Then we will move on to specific areas in our homes. Continue reading
Exercise Your Oils- Using Essential Oils to Enhance Your Workout
Just as certain stretches and activities should be done before and after you work out, oils can be used in different times and in different ways to keep you performing at your peak. Continue reading
Many people’s New Year’s Resolution revolve around losing weight, getting in shape or taking control of their health- and essential oils can help with that! Whether you are interested in using doTERRA’s line of products specifically for that endeavor or just want to try out a specific oil or two, this week’s blog has the info you need! Continue reading
How will you Make the Most of 2017? Continue reading