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The doTERRA essential oil experts have written a few blogs about the uses of specific oils. Click on the links below to learn about Vetiver, Ylang Ylang and Lemongrass- all of which are oils we use on a regular basis! Continue reading
I’m treating my plant allergies with….plants? Nobody likes allergies. Whether it’s hay fever or pet dander, allergies can be frustrating to deal with. Essential oils are great place to start when looking for allergy relief, as they do not cause side effects and do not rely on chemicals to get the job done. Continue reading
One of the first things people notice about essential oils is the amazing way they smell. I can pull the top off a bottle of peppermint and from across the room people will look around to track down that amazing scent. Many research studies have been done on how aroma can affect mood and emotions, as aromatherapy is one of the most common uses for essential oils. Continue reading
To Dilute or Not to Dilute? That is the Question. That is the question frequently for everyone who uses essential oils, but we need to understand how and why we dilute essential oils to know when it is appropriate to do so. Continue reading
Antibacterial soap is better for you right? Well….the answer to that question is more complication than yes or no.
The FDA recently announced that antibacterial soaps would be removed from shelves over the course of the next year. Does that mean that no soap is antibacterial? Continue reading
If life is delivering you a set of personalized worries, turn on your diffuser with a calming essential oil such as lavender, orange, and lemon, or blends containing these oils (contact me if you want if you would like suggestions of specific Essential Oils for relieving your worry or anxiety) Continue reading