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Tea Tree Oil Product Description A truly versatile oil, Melaleuca, or Tea Tree, essential oil holds over 92 different compounds and limitless applications. Hailing from Australia, the Melaleuca plant was a daily necessity for the early natives. The Aborigines would … Continue reading
CLEANING IN THE BATHROOM- Gotta love cleaning those toilets, tubs, and tile! If you thought it was impossible to clean well naturally, check out these ALL NATURAL BATHROOM CLEANING ALTERNATIVES! Continue reading
Everyone is thinking about ways to save money. Essential oils can be a great way to not only improve your health, but also save you money. Continue reading
Tips on using essential oils on your pets Continue reading
83% of Americans live in a place vulnerable to natural disaster. Tornadoes, Floods, Volcanos,… most areas have something that threatens to disrupt normal life. Even if you live in a safe area, terrorist threats have made us all more aware of how quickly life can change. I keep Essential Oils. The hospitals are reserved for emergencies. I like to know I can handle many basic needs with a few important Essential Oils: Continue reading
I’m treating my plant allergies with….plants? Nobody likes allergies. Whether it’s hay fever or pet dander, allergies can be frustrating to deal with. Essential oils are great place to start when looking for allergy relief, as they do not cause side effects and do not rely on chemicals to get the job done. Continue reading
Whether you are a teacher, student or parent of a student, back to school is a time of both stress and excitement. Here are a few ideas to enhance this yearly new beginning with essential oils. Continue reading
Melaleuca (also known as tee tree oil) is for travelers who want to leave the nasty stuff where they found it. A spray bottle with Melaleuca and water is Essential for every serious traveler. Continue reading
Looking for a way to have outside fun without using harsh chemicals? Check out these ideas for do it yourself essential oil recipes and suggestions to keep your family healthy and natural when adventuring in the great outdoors. Continue reading